Core Training

Our primary and secondary core training has been designed around the knowledge and skills required for you to become an outstanding classroom practitioner.

Our programme is underpinned by the most up-to-date, high-quality evidence-based educational research. It is delivered by a range of expert speakers with extensive, current, school experience.

Our practical and interactive weekly training sessions will allow you to compliment your classroom experience with theoretical knowledge. Sessions will cover a wide range of relevant topics including safeguarding, educational theory, behaviour management and lesson planning to name a few.

“Trainees describe training as ‘inspirational’ and ‘amazing’, valuing the contributions from outside speakers and the expertise of school practitioners.”
- OFSTED 2018

School-Based Training

Our SCITT and School Direct programmes offer you with a very “hands-on” training experience, which will provide you with many practical opportunities to have a direct impact on the holistic development on the children and young people in your care. You will become an integral part of your school community from the start of the academic year, supporting your

colleagues in every aspect of your school life. You will accompany your pupils on their learning journey, nurturing their natural curiosity, following their progress and watching them grow in confidence throughout the year. As it is a bespoke programme, your in-school training will be tailored to your specific strengths and areas for development, working with your subject mentor and professional tutor and draw upon their expertise and experience.

“Trainees are immersed in the life of their schools. They engage enthusiastically in extra-curricular activities, form time, undertaking duties and delivering the personal, social, health and citizenship aspects of the curriculum.”
-OFSTED 2018

For more information, contact one of our team.

Book a place at our next Teacher Training Event to find out more from one of our team.

Support Structure

“Trainees and NQTs are extremely complimentary about the quality of mentoring and its impact on their teaching and well-being. Trainees say mentors, PTs and PLTs are ‘incredible’, ‘outstanding’ and ‘brilliant’.”
- OFSTED 2018

“Tutors and mentors provide sharp, insightful feedback to trainees about the quality of their teaching. This high-quality feedback contributes exceptionally well to trainees’ success in becoming effective teachers.”
- OFSTED 2018

St Mary's University - PGCE

CTTP works in partnership with St Mary's University who accredit the PGCE element of our programme.

Established in 1850 and with a deep heritage in education, St Mary’s has a strong reputation for teaching excellence and a student-centred approach.

PGCE students are celebrated for who they are and given the skills to succeed, that's why they are rated top 10 for student experience (Good University Guide, 2024).